Do you feel the limit? 600ec per ip
re you happy with the new rules 600ec per ip address with entrecard?
I understand fully the side of Entrecard, they want to eliminate or minimize the abusive use of the system, penalize those people that are spamming the system that's good! but limiting those bloggers that are genuinely using entrecard for traffic and not for financial gain is a torture.
I have two blogs, i religiously drop 300 each blog, i read and comment on every site that "interest" me, i meet a lot good bloggers along the way...i love the traffic that i am getting especially when i am at the top 3 of my category, my husband has 1 blog too! meaning it's 900ec we drop each day using the same ip address which did not pass the new rules.
New Rules Stinks
Spamming is always a problem -- oh! i wish we can just shoot them, there, that kills the problem but we can't maybe in our dream. I find the new rules stinks, it affects the honest droppers, the genuine people that rely and believe in their system to generate traffic.
Money is the root of all evil
Spammers join Entrecard not for traffic but to earn money, they use and abuse Entrecard for financial gain -- maybe if Entrecard will remove the money value of EC that will eliminate the problem, i know it's so easy to say but many will not agree with me because there are some that are genuine droppers that are enjoying the little amount that they earned for selling credits but sometimes we need to sacrifice something isn't it traffic is the main purpose of Entrecard?
Cause and Effect
Cause - Eliminate the cause of the problem; The amount valued on each EC causes spammers to create many dummy blog and entrecard account for financial gain...the result SPAM the system.
Effect - Then, Entrecard thinks of best way to deal with the spammers is to limit the drops per IP to 600ec a day, ouch!
Two head better than one
Okay in this case they might be more that one, but If Entrecard asked for some suggestion before implementing the new rule this might end up a better and good system than 600ec per ip.
We are not sure if this is going to change yet after some bloggers commenting and dis-agree with this new implementation but as per phirate:
We will not be changing this policy, it was a necessary change as the result of a number of users creating large numbers of inactive blogs then dropping 300 for each in order to "earn" credits.
All of us who genuinely use Entrecard to gain traffic and not for financial gain will feel the pain of limitations, not enough freedom to promoting our site.
The only option for those that genuinely use Entrecard for traffic and have more than 2 site in their ip address is to think of which blog do you want to prioritize and sacrifice the other blog, this is big sacrifice if you ask me or alternate the site to promote each day, all we have to do is make an adjustment in our part, forget about this 600ec per ip and move on, big sigh!.
What about you? have you noticed the new rules? do you feel the pain of less freedom? or you just want to move on and see what happens next hoping it will benefit us.
I understand fully the side of Entrecard, they want to eliminate or minimize the abusive use of the system, penalize those people that are spamming the system that's good! but limiting those bloggers that are genuinely using entrecard for traffic and not for financial gain is a torture.
I have two blogs, i religiously drop 300 each blog, i read and comment on every site that "interest" me, i meet a lot good bloggers along the way...i love the traffic that i am getting especially when i am at the top 3 of my category, my husband has 1 blog too! meaning it's 900ec we drop each day using the same ip address which did not pass the new rules.
New Rules Stinks
Spamming is always a problem -- oh! i wish we can just shoot them, there, that kills the problem but we can't maybe in our dream. I find the new rules stinks, it affects the honest droppers, the genuine people that rely and believe in their system to generate traffic.
Money is the root of all evil
Spammers join Entrecard not for traffic but to earn money, they use and abuse Entrecard for financial gain -- maybe if Entrecard will remove the money value of EC that will eliminate the problem, i know it's so easy to say but many will not agree with me because there are some that are genuine droppers that are enjoying the little amount that they earned for selling credits but sometimes we need to sacrifice something isn't it traffic is the main purpose of Entrecard?
Cause and Effect
Cause - Eliminate the cause of the problem; The amount valued on each EC causes spammers to create many dummy blog and entrecard account for financial gain...the result SPAM the system.
Effect - Then, Entrecard thinks of best way to deal with the spammers is to limit the drops per IP to 600ec a day, ouch!
Two head better than one
Okay in this case they might be more that one, but If Entrecard asked for some suggestion before implementing the new rule this might end up a better and good system than 600ec per ip.
We are not sure if this is going to change yet after some bloggers commenting and dis-agree with this new implementation but as per phirate:
We will not be changing this policy, it was a necessary change as the result of a number of users creating large numbers of inactive blogs then dropping 300 for each in order to "earn" credits.
All of us who genuinely use Entrecard to gain traffic and not for financial gain will feel the pain of limitations, not enough freedom to promoting our site.
The only option for those that genuinely use Entrecard for traffic and have more than 2 site in their ip address is to think of which blog do you want to prioritize and sacrifice the other blog, this is big sacrifice if you ask me or alternate the site to promote each day, all we have to do is make an adjustment in our part, forget about this 600ec per ip and move on, big sigh!.
What about you? have you noticed the new rules? do you feel the pain of less freedom? or you just want to move on and see what happens next hoping it will benefit us.
Wow, this is the first time I've read about this. I know some friends who have more than 2 blogs and this will affect them for sure.
Personally I don't find it a problem. My wife and I both have Entrecard accounts, but just one, so the most we can do is 300 posts a day. I find it much more valuable to stop and read the blogs I visit though, posting comments occasionally. I find it hard to get through 300 sites in a day.
The fact that you can drop 600 a day is amazing. I feel like doing 300 is a job within itself!
I do think that the limit is fair. The fact that you get to transfer credits from blog to blog can give you too much of an advantage when buying ads. They're talking about making the drop limit less than 300 per blog. Guess we'll see what happens if they do!